Tuesday, 30 January 2018

The Log That Rolled Itself From The Fire

When Jesus was ministering on earth he often did so using parables, and like my master Jesus I would like to tell my own parable.

Once upon a time all the trees had a meeting and decided that they would each contribute a big branch so that they could make the biggest fire the world has ever seen. As you all know not all trees are the same in size so the Baobab branch was the biggest and the Lemon branch was the smallest.
The Log That Rolled Itself From The Fire
When it was time to light the fire all the branches where put together and put aflame and what a big fire it was! When the Baobab branch noticed that his contribution was of much significance he became puffed up with pride and thought that he didn’t need the others. Early the next morning he rolled himself out of the fire and for some time his flame alone was greater than that of the other branches combined. When 2 hours had passed his flame began to die and by evening his flame was dead.

Lesson: No matter how great you are; you cannot prosper if you disconnect yourself from others. Be in church!

By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda.

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