Once upon a time there was a city called Maderno which was on a mountain. Now the society of Maderno comprised of people of all age groups, both rich and poor.
Now the Madernos were very hardworking and were like us in their way of life. Some were hunters, others were miners and a large number of them were farmers. Everything was well for the Madernos until one summer when a heatwave blew across the whole city.Every field dried up, the rivers and wells also dried up. Both domestic and wild animals died because of the intense heat. Then the unexpected happened, the heatwave continued through the next season. What could the people do? The situation went from bad to worse in that both the young and old fell sick because of the adverse living conditions. Both the rich and poor suffered and everyone ran out of ideas.
The Great Bridge |
The King of Greenland was kind to the Maderno and invited them to collect everything they needed for free but because of the volcano between them the Madernos could not cross to get help. Everyone wondered, could this be the end of the Madernos?
Because the wealthy King of Greenland loved the Madernos, he built the most expensive bridge between the two cities so that the Madernos could have access to his wealth and resources for free. Through this Maderno was revived.
In our story: God is the King of Greenland, Maderno is earth and the bridge is Jesus Christ. No one can go to the Father except through the bridge Jesus Christ (John 14:6). Have you received him into your life? If not, just pray Lord Jesus forgive me and come into my life.
Authored by Apostle Adolphas Chibanda
Senior pastor of Wind of Revival International Ministries
Apostle Chibanda can be contacted on +263 772 945 839