Tuesday 30 January 2018

The Importance Of Listening

1. The more you listen, the more you increase your chances of learning. When you try to talk and listen at the same time it is your listening ability that suffers.

2. It improves your understanding. When you receive more information upon a particular subject, you will understand it better.

3. It increases your faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing God’s word.
If your faith is being shaken by trials, find time to hear more of God’s word (Romans 10:17).

4. It is a sign of deep respect. Whilst interrupting someone shows disrespect, listening shows humility and respect to the one you are communicating with.
The Importance Of Listening
5. It helps you avoid giving a wrong answer. Without first clearly hearing the question you are asked, your chances of giving a wrong answer are increased.

6. It makes you a good counselor because counseling is more of listening than talking. People want to be connected to someone who can listen to them.

7. It shows that you are not selfish.
An egocentric person does not value others and thinks that others you listen to him only without him doing the same.

Authored by Apostle Adolphas Chibanda.
Senior pastor of Wind of Revival International Ministries
Apostle Chibanda can be contacted on +263 772 945 839

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