Tuesday 12 June 2018

Men Your Wives Would Really Appreciate It If You Stop Doing These Things!

After doing my own research I have gathered these facts that most women would feel more loved and respected by their husbands, if you the man can stop doing the following:

1. Pretending you are listening to her whilst your attention is either on your laptop, cellphone or newspaper.

2. Having a cellphone password unknown to her whilst she has made hers known to you.
Men your wives would really appreciate it if you stop doing these things!
3. Caressing her only when you want sex. This makes the woman feel like a sex object.

4. Not opening up when there is something bothering you. Remember God gave you that woman to be your helper

5. Falling asleep soon after sex. This makes the woman feel used and unloved.

6. Having one sided conversations that only suit and favour you.
7. Failing to compliment your wife about her beauty. You are the best person to see and compliment your wife’s beauty.

8. Not playing with kids. Never make your kids feel like their father is dead when you are still alive.

9. Acting single when you are married. This shows lack of respect for your wife.

10. Not saying sorry when you are wrong and not accepting correction especially from your wife even when you know you are wrong.

11. Not listening or even trying to put into consideration your wife’s advice.

12. Putting your friends and your mother before your wife.

13. Not wanting to bath especially before sex.

By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda.

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