Thursday 1 February 2018

Expression: The Missing Ingredient In The Recipe Of Marriage

After having done a research I have realized that it is not the absence of love that leads to divorce but the lack of expressing it. Expression in love makes the whole marriage alive.

Love is not love until you express it. Expressing love means making your feelings known to your partner because no one can really know what you feel without you making it known to them. Do not keep your feelings locked inside because they are for the benefit of your partner.

If you do not express your love you are placed in the same class with one who does not have any love. This is because having love without expressing it, is as good as not having love at all. Understand that love feeds and grows on expression.
Expression: The Missing Ingredient In The Recipe Of Marriage
Never make the mistake of assuming that your spouse will miraculously know the love and feelings in your heart without you expressing them. Decide to cause the love inside to manifest outside so that your spouse can see it.
You are the one responsible for showing your spouse how much you love them. Expressing your love starts by verbally telling your spouse the magic words I LOVE YOU daily. There is no substitute for these words. After verbal communication you then can also communicate with your actions.

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Authored By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda
Senior Pastor Of Wind Of Revival Church
Apostle Chibanda Can Be Contacted On +263 772 945 839.

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