Friday, 16 February 2018

Here Is The Best Way To Bring Change In Marriage

The reason why it is difficult for many couples to be patient with each other is that they think they are in marriage to change their spouses which is in reality, far from the truth.

Who then is supposed to change your spouse if you are not the one to do so? Well read on and discover the most amazing way to bring change even to the most complicated marriage set up.

It is a known fact that a successful marriage is not a passive miracle but the result of hard work on both spouses. Marriage is not about changing your spouse to be like you, No! its not! The beauty of marriage is not in changing our spouses to be like us because when we do that it shows we do not love them but that we only love to see our reflection on them. Your spouse is not your human copy but an original and unique person.
Here Is The Best Way To Bring Change In Marriage 

A happy marriage happens when we change ourselves so that we become better for the sake of our spouses. Real change happens when we change and not when our spouses change. Instead of researching or googling on how to change your spouse, rather find ways to change yourself. If you can change the person you see in the mirror you have successfully changed your marriage. The scriptures tell us to work out our OWN salvation (Philippians 2:12).

Here are some practical ways to bring change in your marriage.

1. Always try to avoid responding harshly to your spouse with this in mind: A soft answer quietens anger but a harsh one stirs it up (Proverbs 15:1).

2. When you do good, do so as unto the Lord so that you expect God alone and not your spouse to reward you.

3. Learn to listen more than you talk and always put yourself in your spouse’s shoes especially when they are talking. There is a reason why God gave you two ears and one mouth.

4. Have faith in your marriage. If you can believe then a happy marriage is possible for you (Mark 9:23).

5. Avoid comparing your spouse with anyone. The grass always looks greener on the other side, even those next doors see your grass looking greener than theirs.
6. Give your spouse your undivided attention and most conflicts will disappear.

7. When you say sorry, mean it!

8. Believe in your spouse’s potential and be an encourager not a critic.

Authored By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda.
Senior Pastor Of Wind Of Revival International Ministries
Apostle Chibanda Can Be Contacted On +263 772 945 839

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