Fear can be one of the most difficult things to overcome. However, God has given us a remedy through his Word. Many wonder, “Will I ever overcome my fears?”
1. What fear does:
a) The bible identifies fear as a spirit not given to us by God (2 Timothy 1:7).
b) Has the same power as faith in the negative i.e. fear has creative power to manifest the object of fear.
c) It cripples/paralyses hope.
d) It is a strong anticipation for evil to happen and what one fears eventually comes to pass one way or the other (Job 3:25). I prayed for a certain lady and she said, 'I'm so afraid this disease will kill me', though i tried to convince her to resist fear i failed and within a month she was gone. Some people are so afraid of Hiv/Aids that though they are negative they manifest symptoms of being positive.
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How To Deal With Fear |
2. How fear comes:
a) If faith comes by hearing the word of God then fear comes by hearing the word of the devil. Be careful because some pastors preach and instill fear in their congregants with their sermons and prophecies of doom and too much of what the devil, demons can do.
b) Sometimes it comes first as a thought that says e.g. what if- we die, have an accident etc.
c) Through what you see e.g. movies (horror), internet and books.
d) Through wrong companionship- if you play with cowards you eventually become one.
3. How to fight fear:
a) First level of fear is in thoughts so bind and refuse all negative thoughts. In other words, have your mind renewed by God's word (Rom 12:2)
b) Cast out the spirit of fear.
c) Move and flow with God’s love. (1 John 4:18).
d) Desist from feeding fear with horror movies and demonic media
e) Change your association i.e. rid yourself of negative people who are unwilling to change
f) The best defense is to attack so attack fear by upgrading your faith (Rom 10:17). Faith is upgraded by reading, studying and meditating on God's word (Joshua 1:8).
g) Sometimes it’s best to seek counselling from a genuine pastor.
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Authored By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda. Senior Pastor of Wind Of Revival Church.
You Can Contact Apostle Chibanda On +263 772 945 839