Wednesday 8 August 2018

Let’s Crossover - When Infertility and Barrenness Threatens a Marriage

Let’s Crossover- The Importance Of Making Life’s Transitions ... Refuse To Be Stagnant!

I was ministering at a conference and a certain lady was in a queue awaiting to be prayed for. As her turn came I prophetically told her that by that time the very next year God would have blessed her with a son. Little did I know that this woman’s marriage was on the verge of breaking up unless God had blessed her with the fruit of the womb.

Her first marriage of twelve years had broken down because of her bareness. This marriage was characterized by much insults from the in-laws who went on to tell her that a chicken was better that her because it can lay eggs compared to her who could not conceive. As a result, she got divorced and remarried.

After eight years in this second marriage problems arose and the subject of her barrenness became the talk of the day both in her home and in the community to an extend that some people began to accuse her of witchcraft. Just before her marriage was about to collapse a loving neighbor invited her to our conference where I prophesied the blessing of the womb to her and exactly nine months later God gave her a son. Today that son is now in his sixth year and his name is Emmanuel.
Let’s Crossover - Refuse Barrenness within Your Marriage...!
Life is a constant motion from the time you were born up to where you are now there have been significant transitions. You were once a baby but now probably you are a graduate or business person. This means in your life you made significant transitions- moving from one stage to the next. The lady mentioned above suffered from stagnancy where the fruit of the womb is concerned. Stagnancy can be crippling and frustrating and unless one is delivered they can never be fruitful in life. Stagnant waters attract a lot of mosquitoes.

Life progresses with academic metaphor. Remaining at the same level for a long time is proof of the absence of progress. A child matures into the primary level of education and unless they pass their grade seven exam they remain stagnant in that level. Passing the grade seven level introduces to them the next level of growth which is the ordinary level of education and so on until they become professors and the like. No one should remain at the same level. Other areas one may face stagnancy are:

1. Financial Stagnancy. This is when one is contained in a limited level of financial resources and income either because of laziness or an error in their upbringing. Other causes may be spiritual like in the case of failing to own a car because no one in the family has ever crossed that level. Unless that demonic yoke is broken one will never supersede the level of his or her ancestors. It is not normal to be at the same level financially for more than two years because our God is progressive.

2. Marital crossover. This is the other area where many face stagnancies. A woman who is in her thirties is in serious crisis and the crisis is due to the fact that she is still single. In most cases the root cause for this is demonic. The Bible says it is good to marry but demons attack people especially men so that they are restricted financially to marry. There is need for a spiritual power greater than the one that opposes marriage to be successful in marriage.

After having said this I want you to understand that there is hope. God makes a way where there is no way and he can do what no man can do. When God saw that his people where facing stagnancy in one area or the other he made a way for them to crossover to fruitfulness, progress and prosperity through our Dabuka International Christian Conference. The Holy Spirit is going to be present to break the yoke called stagnancy.

Date: 09 August - 12 August 2018
Time: 1700 - 2000Hrs
Venue: White church shed along Tilcor Road towards Chitungwiza Industrial Site
Rsvp: +273 773 530 970, +263 772 945 839

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