Monday, 19 February 2018

For Men: Watering Your Own Grass Using Just 5 Ways

Have you ever seen that the grass that is greener is so because someone has invested their time and energy watering it? Your grass can be greener too, if you water it and the earliest you can start is today, right now! Here are ways to help you do so.

1. Protect Your Wife
Make it a habit that you always protect your wife from…. You! especially when you are angry. God made you stronger than your wife to protect and not to beat her. Protect her from the society, do not just watch as people abuse your wife. Walking closer to her will stop most of the verbal abuse from men against her.

2. Court Your Wife
Shower her with gifts occasionally. What you did in the past to win her heart is what you must continue doing to keep her heart. Go out on a date, do casual walks together, cook together etc. Invest in building happy and strong memories together because when time passes it is those memories that remain. Do not just love but express your love for her. Make her know that she is your number one and remember important dates like her birthday, your anniversary together etc.
For Men: Watering Your Own Grass Using Just 5 Ways 
3. Appreciate Her
Nothing makes the marriage more boring for the wife than being with a husband who does not appreciate the good she does. Always say, Thank you, even for the small things. When you express gratitude for your wife it inspires her to do even greater for you. Learn to appreciate openly and honestly.

4. Upgrade Her
Your wife should be an improved version of the girl she was when you dated. Make it a policy that you support her hairdo. The glory of a woman is her hair (1 Corinthians 11:15). Upgrade her spiritually as well by setting a good example in having a personal relationship with God. Your wife should emulate how you love God.
5. Be Available
Gifts and money can never replace the presence of the husband in his wife’s life. Be available and make your presence felt in a good way. Helping your wife in some household chores does not make you a woman. Sometimes I cook for my wife and kids and help with household work and doing that does not change the fact that I am the head of the family. In fact, it has made me a better head.

Authored By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda
Senior Pastor Of Wind Of Revival International Ministries

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