Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Must Read! Here Is How To Overcome Worry

All of us are tempted to worry at some point in our lives. The question is, ‘Can we really defeat this unpleasant thing called worry?’

To worry is to be distressed, lack inner peace and have persistent tormenting attacks on one’s mind. These attacks can be overcome by just doing the following:

Trust In The Lord And Lean Not On Your Own Understanding (Proverbs 3:5). To trust is to take refuge and be confidently secure in the Lord. The best place to hide from danger is in God’s presence.

Change Your Thoughts. Replace those negative thoughts with God’s word by meditating on things that are good, pure and lovely (Philippians 4:8). Thoughts form habits, habits form character, character forms lifestyle and lifestyle forms destiny therefore, changing your thoughts is changing your destiny.
Must Read! Here Is How To Overcome Worry
Open up. At times its really important that you seek counselling from someone trustworthy. Sharing a problem provides fifty percent of its solution.

Understand There Is Nothing New Under The Sun. You are not the first person to deal with that situation that brings you worry, others have been in that situation and have come out victorious. If they managed to overcome so can you!

Plan And Be Optimistic. Plan positively with this in mind: Every problem or challenge is an opportunity to see the greatness of God. Worry is passing a vote of no confidence to God whilst being optimistic is focusing on the greatness of God and not on the size of the problem.
Be Thankful And Count Your Blessings. You may not be where you want to be but be grateful to God that you are not where you used to be. Worry focuses on what you have failed to achieve, being grateful is focusing on the positive and good things that you have managed to achieve so far.

Be Realistic. Accept the fact that there are some things you cannot change. God’s grace is always sufficient for you, surrender to him and let him be the driver of your life.

Believe That God Has Good Plans For Your Life (Jeremiah 29:11).
Refuse to be moved by what you see, hear or feel but by what you believe in. We do not walk by sight but by faith so never walk in doubt. Doubt is a luxury you cannot afford to have!

By Apostle Adolphas Chibanda.

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